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« More Summer Love | Main | Taos Bound »

July 08, 2009


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lyle baxter

funny thing about that tent! mine was an enormous privet hiding a corner of my home. It didnt come equipped but I could create what I needed. maybe we all have a tent in our past! what fun! lyle


Perfect summer have a talent my dear! It took me right back to my 9th summer...we made circuses, all pets recruited to be the menagerie, parade shows...the snow cone man to chase down.

man I love summer!


mom you are really really really amazing. you don't even know it. you can do anything and everything. i love and miss you soo much. <3

Jan Korr

I have a very similar memory of Grandmother's hands from when I was 8-9, as we sat in a sunny dining room spot and she made doll clothes for me. I too was moved by her hard working-remarkable hands. I loved your painting of the backyard tent, evocative and accurate. The story is wonderfully imaginative, wouldn't we all love to have such a magical tent. XX Mom

rajasee ray

lovely story :)
echoing lyle baxter above, my own tent was a blanket that my grand uncle used to suspend with his walking stick over our heads. and then we'd have adventures hiding away from the wild beasts in the jungles outside :)

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