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« River Solitude | Main | Ending/Beginning »

August 02, 2011


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Julie Prichard

Hi Fran- thanks for sharing these images..I've always wanted to visit New Mexico....and I always love to peek into your journal.


dear paloma.....THANK YOU for sharing all of this.....i'm richer this moment after gliding through this post. full of new and old images, and your extraordinary retelling, drawings, photos, insights, feelings...quotes. thank you. nevacoloma


oh fran...what a visual feast of great heart to enjoy and be enriched by. every morsel soul filling.
thank you friend.


This is such an inspiring post. I can feel the joy in you from your words and images. This must have been a very affirming week.


Thanks for the memories. Thanks for the moments. Beautiful capture of the week. I'm going to return to this post of yours. Mentally and with a click on a link.

Gwen Delmore

I have been looking forward to reading about your week in Taos. I would love to take that class someday. I love Taos, and I love the things you make there.


Dearest Fran - just back to montreal and treasuring our week together under the sacred mountain along the rio grande... your postcard is proof we shared the same space and time in the land of enchantment....p.s. a bearded creature is on its way.... blessings, Cerene


your artists eye has given me such a view of your experience...and drawn me in very deeply.


such a treat to look through your journal!

Meri @ Meri's Musings

It looks like a paradise of artistic expression. Thanks for sharing with us.

 encore...please of please

what a delicious post full of eye candy!1 Thank you for a glimpse into your journal, your world and links

Magical Mystical Teacher

Is it OK to envy you? Because I do. Your little sketches need no words. They fill the soul. Oh!

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