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« A Walk In The Woods | Main | Deep Listening in Autumn »

September 18, 2012


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Kimberley McGill

I am so happy to see an artist doing this. You are so right, much is hanging in the balance with this election. I, too, want to see President Obama re-elected. And I would love to see more artists, mamas, daddys, grandmothers/fatheres, writers, poets ..... everyone lose the fear of speaking out around politics. Politics is personal. It affects everyone in this country and beyond. Thank you for this.

Lisa Hoffman

anyone who says:
"...I'm just not comfortable with people getting all political on their Blogs and FaceBook feeds..." need to take a deep breath and remember what's at stake. This is not a dress rehearsal.

Congrats on STANDING UP Frannie!


Thanks, I have been dragging my feet about updating my registration after a recent move, didn't know we could do it online! Just went to your link and updated!!


LOve President Obama...was disappointed last night but after more thinking I believe he took the high road. If he would have argued every lie that Romney spoke they would still be on stage. I just hope people remember to check the facts.

hope you're well!

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