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September 27, 2013


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Gwen Delmore

can't wait to see more about the workshop in Sweden! I love her blog, thanks for the link!


good news in the world! you're hiking, your good care has your son running, your daughter back happily in 'the city', bunnies saved, house high and dry, and ..... teaching again next weekend.
brava, bella! .... you have "your bottle", with more to come. all the best, neva

Gill M

What a summer Fran - glad you have all come out the other side stronger and wiser. Looking forward to seeing posts about your trip to Sweden. Did you do a travel journal while there? If so I hope you will post some pictures over on the Travel & Art site.


What a lot you've been through his summer! Such a testament to your love and strength as a family unit that everything worked out well! Cannot express how much I loved the YouTube clip too - thank you :) Kx

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Travel and Art Journaling

Sketchbook Project

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The Fiction Project

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